Synergy Grill SG1300

Synergy Grill SG1300

From £5,841.99 Excl. VAT

SKU DW753 Category

Synergy Grill offers pioneering, award-winning technology. High power and low energy consumption enables you to prepare food faster at less than half the energy costs. Fat atomising technology means there’s no fat tray to clean and best of all, it creates seriously succulent food. The Synergy Grill revolves around a patented gas burner system which works at an incredibly hot temperature and a natural ceramic heat bed. High heat atomises fat so there’s no fat tray for chefs to clean and they don’t need to worry about responsibly disposing of fatty waste. The water vapour that’s naturally released from the fat and oils during cooking is also absorbed back into the food giving you a greater yield. This, combined with sharp branding, gives an incredibly juicy and intense BBQ flavour.

  • Colour:Silver
  • Dimensions:530(H) x 1304(W) x 705(D)mm
  • Material:Stainless Steel
  • Power Type:Natural Gas
  • Temperature Range:290°C to 340°C
  • Warranty:2 Years Parts & Labour
  • Weight:155kg
  • High heat with low gas consumption. Average gas saving of 59% – rapid payback of capital outlay
  • Fat is instantly atomised meaning no need for messy fat catchment trays
  • Incredibly efficient – lowest operating cost currently on the market
  • Reduces strain on ventilation systems – reduces cleaning costs
  • Ideal for basement kitchens
  • No thermocouples and simple ignition – easy to use
  • Thermal shock resistant
  • Made in Britain
  • Easy to produce moister more succulent results
  • High temperature cooking for a quicker turnaround
  • Rapid cooking for a quicker turnaround
  • 5-7 days